Anchor Tapestry Wools Pack of 5 hanks in shades of Pinks
This pack is a pot luck selection of Anchor Tapestry wools in shades of Pinks
Yes Tapestry wools are used for of course doing a tapestry picture, however it is possible to do other hand stitching such us slow stitching on a wide range of materials such us Hessian, Rug Canvas and of course Tapestry Canvas to name just some of the possibilities to use these wools
This pack is a pot luck selection of Anchor Tapestry wools in shades of Pinks
Yes Tapestry wools are used for of course doing a tapestry picture, however it is possible to do other hand stitching such us slow stitching on a wide range of materials such us Hessian, Rug Canvas and of course Tapestry Canvas to name just some of the possibilities to use these wools
This pack is a pot luck selection of Anchor Tapestry wools in shades of Pinks
Yes Tapestry wools are used for of course doing a tapestry picture, however it is possible to do other hand stitching such us slow stitching on a wide range of materials such us Hessian, Rug Canvas and of course Tapestry Canvas to name just some of the possibilities to use these wools